We are excited to begin the 2024 survey process of collecting member data for the Fenestration Canada Annual Report on Residential Windows and Patio Doors shipped in Canada. Your participation is crucial to our ability to analyze member data for the annual report.
Before taking the survey, make sure the following steps have been completed:
Do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns. Finally, our privacy guarantee is below this email for reference.
We appreciate your time and look forward to your responses.
Fenestration Canada and The Farnsworth Group
Privacy Guarantee
If starting this survey, please create a password to proceed. This password will be tied back to your data. You may exit the survey and come back at any time, however you will need to enter this same password to proceed where you left off.
If returning to this survey, please enter the password you initially created to resume where you left off. If you can't remember your password or have any other problems, please contact Grant Gries at ggries@thefarnsworthgroup.com